Lunch: Hawaiian pizza, bean salad, broccoli salad, fruit
After-Lunch Cleaning Assignments
We will begin after-lunch clean-up today for junior high and high school:
Shrine/Parking Lot: 12th
Downstairs High School Hallway & Bathroom (including stairwell): 11th
Downstairs Middle School Hallway & Bathroom: 10th
Upstairs High School & Middle School Hallway: 9th
Middle School Field & Canteen: 8th
Cafeteria: 7th
Courtyard & Swings: 12th
Supervision Assignments
Morning Traffic Supervision:
Ariadne Snodgrass & Tomoko Shimizu
Lunch Supervision:
Tomoko Shimizu & John Del Rosario
Afternoon Traffic Supervision:
Zita Sablan, John Del Rosario, & Michael Stromberg
Theatre Club Auditions for Frankenstein and The Snow Queen
Mount Carmel School’s Theatre Club proudly presents auditions for its upcoming productions, Frankenstein and The Snow Queen (the story on which Disney’s Frozen is based).
Frankenstein Auditions: Tuesday, August 26, 3—5 pm in B-104.
The Snow Queen Auditions: Thursday, August 28, 3—5 pm in B-104
Permission Slips and Audition Forms are in the office. Questions? See Aysia Santos or email
[email protected].
Attention Teachers
Teachers, please support the administration’s efforts in enforcing the school dress code and proper student behavior at the flag raising ceremony. You can help by correcting and/or reporting students. If you have students to report, flag Mrs. Ida Bahillo while she patrols the field or record the names on a piece of paper to give her afterwards. Thank you so much for you assistance with this matter.
In the Future
Student Leadership Retreat
Saturday, August 30
8:00 am—12:00 noon
Labor Day
Monday, September 1
(No Classes)
Faculty/Staff Retreat
Friday, September 5
(No Classes)
“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.”
Nelson Mandela
To submit an announcement for the Knights Herald, please email your announcement to
[email protected].