Lunch: Korean beef bulgogi, rice, cucumber kimchee, fruit
After-Lunch Cleaning Assignments
10A: Shrine/Parking Lot
9th: Downstairs High School Hallway & Bathroom (including stairwell)
8th: Downstairs Middle School Hallway & Bathroom
7th: Upstairs High School & Middle School Hallway
12th: Middle School Field & Canteen
11th: Cafeteria
10B: Courtyard & Swings
Supervision Assignments
Morning Traffic Supervision:
Min Ji Han and John Del Rosario
Lunch Supervision:
John Del Rosario and Luz Baldazo
Afternoon Traffic Supervision (Elementary Entrance): Zita Sablan and Luz Baldazo
Afternoon Traffic Supervision (South Gate Service Entrance): Filmah Buenaflor
Faculty In-Service Meeting TODAY
This is inform everyone that the faculty-in service meeting for TODAY, September 17, 2014 will be at the faculty lounge and it will start at 2:10 pm. Thank you.
Mr. Baldazo as Acting President
Mr. G will be off-island on personal leave from today through Thursday, September 25. Vice Principal for Curriculum and Instruction, Bobby Baldazo, has been appointed to serve as Acting President during Mr. G’s absence. Please extend to Mr. Baldazo your cooperation and support while he holds down the fort.
Engrade Problems?
Are you having trouble accessing you Engrade account? Students and faculty having trouble should see Mrs. Filmah Buenalflor.
WiFi Connectivity
We are currently auditing our WiFi network to find and fix problems. If you run into any connectivity problems, please notify Miguel Dandan with details like the date, time, and nature of your problem.
South Gate Open for After-School Pick-Up
The south gate service entrance (facing the Joeten Dai-Dai Social Hall) is now open for afternoon school pick-up.
Extended Care
Extended Care is available for $5.00 per day for MCS students and $10.00 per day for non-MCS students. Pick up and submit Extended Care forms in the Business Office.
PE Uniform on Tuesdays
Students are now allowed to wear their Physical Education (PE) uniform all day on Tuesdays, with the option to change into their regular school uniform anytime after Knights Calisthenics.
Sophomores Candy Gram
8th Grade Bake Sale
Friday, September 19
“Talent is God-given; be humble. Fame is man-given; be thankful. Conceit is self-given; be careful.”
John Wooden, American basketball coach
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