11th: Downstairs High School Hallway & Bathroom (including stairwell)
10th: Downstairs Middle School Hallway & Bathroom
9th: Upstairs High School & Middle School Hallway
8th: Middle School Field & Canteen
7th: Cafeteria
12th: Courtyard & Swings
Supervision Assignments
Morning Traffic Supervision:
Min Ji Han and Filmah Buenaflor
Lunch Supervision:
Filmah Buenaflor and Tomoko Shimizu
Afternoon Traffic Supervision (Elementary Entrance): Rose Reyes and Tomoko Shimizu
Afternoon Traffic Supervision (South Gate Service Entrance): Luz Baldazo
For TODAY’S Buy-a-Change
Please take note of Mr. G’s letter to parents yesterday about students following the school’s Alternative Dress Code as found on page 54 of the 2014-2015 MCS Handbook.
Father Rey Rosal’s 25th Anniversary
We are all encouraged to join our school chaplain, Fr. Rey Rosal, as he celebrates his 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood on Saturday, October 18. Mass will be at 4:00 pm at San Jose Church with a fundraising dinner to follow at 6:00 pm at Saipan World Resort. Tickets for the fundraising dinner at $50.00 per person and are available in the Business Office. Thank you for your support!
Songs for This Friday’s Mass
Please practice the following songs with your students as they will be sung in mass this Friday, October 10: “Let Heavens Rejoice” (MCS Handbook Song #128), “Fill My Cup Lord” (#115), “Seed, Scattered and Sown” (#145), and “Shout to the Lord” (#147).
Valentine Sengebau Poetry Competition
The NMI Council for the Humanities is sponsoring its annual Valentine Sengebau Poetry Competition, which is open to junior high and high school students. For more information, see Mrs. Candida Bahillo or Mr. John Del Rosario.
Engrade Problems?
Are you having trouble accessing you Engrade account? Students and faculty having trouble should see Mrs. Filmah Buenalflor.
WiFi Connectivity
We are currently auditing our WiFi network to find and fix problems. If you run into any connectivity problems, please notify Miguel Dandan with details like the date, time, and nature of your problem.
South Gate Open for After-School Pick-Up
The south gate service entrance (facing the Joeten Dai-Dai Social Hall) is now open for afternoon school pick-up.
PE Uniform on Tuesdays
Students are now allowed to wear their Physical Education (PE) uniform all day on Tuesdays, with the option to change into their regular school uniform anytime after Knights Calisthenics.
Sophomore Bake Sale
TOMORROW, Friday, October 10
NEHS Hot Lunch
Saturday, October 11
Junior Bake Sale
Tuesday, October 14
Dance Club Mini Carnival
Wednesday, October 15
“A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.”
Mahatma Gandhi
To submit an announcement for the Knights Herald, please email your announcement to [email protected].