Lunch: bisteak with green peas, rice, local greens, fruit
After-Lunch Cleaning Assignments
9th: Downstairs High School Hallway & Bathroom
8th: Shrine/Parking Lot
7th: Downstairs Middle School Hallway & Bathroom
12th: Middle School Field & Canteen
11th: Stairways & Upstairs High/Middle School Hallways
10th: Cafeteria, Courtyard ( including Concrete Picnic Tables), & Swings
Supervision Assignments
Morning Traffic Supervision:
Ariadne Snodgrass and Luz Baldazo
Lunch Supervision:
Luz Baldazo and Michael Stromberg
Afternoon Traffic Supervision (Elementary Entrance): Rose Reyes and Michael Stromberg
Afternoon Traffic Supervision (South Gate Service Entrance): Francis San Nicolas
Playground Rules
Please take note of the following Playground Rules:
1) See with Christ’s eyes
2) Hurt no one
3) Use equipment properly
4) No sports equipment
5) No food, drinks, or gum
Children under 12 must be supervised.
Be responsible for your belongings.
Printing Problems?
For those teachers who cannot print at the high school office, please see Miguel Dandan during lunch TODAY at the resource room. For those who cannot see him during lunch, please email [email protected] for assistance.
MCS Faculty/Staff Christmas Party
Please sign up for this year’s Faculty/Staff Christmas Party, which will take place at Kanoa Resort on Saturday, December 6, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. It is free for MCS employees, but guests will be assessed a $24.00 fee per guest.
3rd – 12th Grade Homeroom Teachers: First Holy Communion
If you have students that would like to join this school year’s "First Holy Communicants”, please submit their names and baptismal certificates to the business office as soon as possible.
Canned Food Drive
As in years past, we are also encouraging students to practice the virtue of almsgiving by bringing non-perishable food items, traditionally referred to as canned food, for offering during the Thanksgiving Mass. Each homeroom will bring up their collected items during the Presentation of the Gifts and we hope and trust that all students will help give to those in need. In particular, this year’s canned food drive will go towards Karidat and the Annual Operation CNMI Homefront Support.
Operation CNMI Homefront Support
As we prepare to gives thanks, let us also come together and give thanks to our men and women in the armed services. Given all that they sacrifice and are willing to sacrifice, the least we can do is show them how much we appreciate their service. In particular, the school’s honor societies are working with organizers of the Annual Operation CNMI Homefront Support to collect the names and addresses of CNMI military personnel. If you have names and addresses of such personnel, please send their names, branch of service, and full mailing address to [email protected].
NHS Tutoring
Need tutoring? NHS is offering tutoring for students in 7th—12th grades FREE OF CHARGE every Thursday during Academic Advising Period in the Resource Room (Ms. Toby’s room, A-102).
MISO Boys Volleyball
TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 18
8th Grade Mini-Carnival
Junior Smoothie
Wednesday, November 19
“The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving.”
H.U. Westermayer
To submit an announcement for the Knights Herald, please email your announcement to [email protected].