MCS will Continue to Offer Academic Scholarships for SY 2021-2022
Mount Carmel School recently announced that it will continue to offer academic scholarships for the 2021-2022 school year.
Academic scholarships are financial aid opportunities geared to help families afford the cost of tuition. The scholarships are determined by a select committee of faculty members who evaluate each applicant’s transcripts and who exemplify a commitment to academic excellence. Each applicant is expected to also provide a letter of recommendation.
Application forms for the academic scholarships will be available online on May 01, 2021. Only complete applications will be considered prior to the deadline scheduled for May 31, 2021.
Depending on available funds, the school’s Board of Directors will be exploring more ways to expand scholarships and financial aid for its students. These measures are being taken due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current austerity measures in the CNMI. Additionally, the school’s leadership team is also exploring ways to expand scholarship funding, possibly through earmarking a portion of all Education Tax Credit (ETC) revenue towards the school’s scholarship and financial aid program.
Mount Carmel School President Dr. Galvin Deleon Guerrero shared, “We have many students that work hard to honor their parent's effort to send them to MCS. To honor their efforts, we feel it’s important to help our families further by making scholarships available and providing some financial relief for our families.”
In addition to scholarships and financial aid, the school will continue to offer other means of providing discounts for families. Families that enroll more than one child will receive discounts for each additional student: $600 off of tuition for the second child, $1,000 off of tuition for the third child, and $1,500 off of tuition for the fourth child.
The school has also continued to open their annual early bird registration discount as follows: For grades K4 - K5 registration is $50 per student (normally $100). For students in grades first
through twelfth grade, the registration fee is $100 per student (normally $400.) The deadline for the Early Bird registration and fees is scheduled for May 01, 2021.
For more information about Mount Carmel School’s Early Bird Special, call 234-6184 or visit