Master Caption: In celebration of Commonwealth Cultural Day, Mount Carmel School reinstated its Cultural Day Celebration on Friday, October 08, 2021. Students from all grades levels performed a cultural and modern dance, designed a banner, decorated a booth providing information about their assigned culture, and wore costumes based on the cultures they represented. Parents and families were invited to watch their students perform. The cultures represented this year include Australia, the Caroline Islands, China, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, Hawaiian, India, Jamaica, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, and Thailand.
MCS_ST_01: Mount Carmel School’s K4 students and their parents represented Jamaica during the reinstated Cultural Day celebration.
MCS_ST_02: Mount Carmel School’s K5 students show how strong the spirit of New Zealand is through their performance of the Haka.
MCS_ST_03: Landon Pangelinan represented his class as chief while performing the Haka with his class during Mount Carmel School’s Cultural Day celebration.
MCS_ST_04: Mount Carmel School’s third-graders march to the performance area proudly representing South Korea.
MCS_ST_05: Mount Carmel School’s fifth-grade class had a lot of fun representing Japan during the reinstated Cultural Day celebration.
MCS_ST_06: The seventh-grade students represented China beautifully during the school’s reinstated Cultural Day celebration.
MCS_ST_07: Mount Carmel School sophomore Jared Terlaje hyped the crowd as they entered marched to perform and represent Russia during the reinstatement Cultural Day celebration.
MCS_ST_08: Mount Carmel School juniors represented the Philippines and performed the “Tinikling” during their representation and celebration of Filipino culture.
MCS_ST_09: Mount Carmel School’s senior brought the Cultural Day celebration full circle by representing the CNMI. In the photo, MCS seniors presented their CNMI banner to the judges for deliberation.
MCS_ST_10: MCS seniors perform a traditional dance representing the CNMI during the reinstated Cultural Day celebration.